After several operational and planning meetings, FL TF-6 went on the pile at the start of their shift at 12:00 noon and will work their operational period until 00:00 midnight. They are currently on the pile with the assistance of our taskforce canine checking the pile prior to commencing structure removal operations. The taskforce is operating with 3 squads and alternating work periods in tangent with FL TF-2. FL TF-3 is expected to arrive today as well to assist.
The logistics group will be working today to re-enforce the base camp including expanding the covered shelter footprint to accommodate additional members. Improving power availability at the basecamp and preparing the bunks for the return of the rescue squads late this evening.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was on-site this morning to personally tour the damage and the emergency response operations. He, as well as members of his staff, were thankful of all of the responders involved in the rescue efforts. Spirits were very high this morning and the crews were eager to get to work. Glad to report there are no injuries and no major issues.