Florida US&R Task Force 6 had an amazing opportunity to train with other state assets, teams and officials with the State of Florida at Camp Blanding this year in the 2023 Mobility Exercise.
This training exercise provided our team with the opportunity to continuously improve our skills in the areas of search, rescue, recovery, as well as other areas on the back-end including planning, logistics & support roles in a controlled environment where we are able to gather valuable feedback on our skills. Having the ability to train & integrate with other teams in the state Urban Search & Rescue system allows our team to maintain a standard of interoperability that is necessary when disasters strike.
Our team worked hard over the past three days to mobilize, arrive on site, survey & search, identify & mitigate hazards, locate & rescue victims, and demobilize as we would in a real disaster scenario. Our team was also able to review our plans and responses afterwards and identify any areas that could be improved based on industry best-practices and experiences from other professionals in this field.
Thank you to all parties involved for making this exercise happen & we look forward to future opportunies!